This Privacy Policy aims to give to shape acknowledge that we treat and protect personal data collected through the portals web owned by Charge Network. The Cargo Network website provide users the average technicians so that, prior to the completion of the personal data, the can have access to this privacy policy and any other relevant information in the field of Protection of Character data.
Personal Privacy
Collection procedure and responsible for file:
In compliance with the provisions of Organic Law 15/1999 of 13 December on the Protection of Personal Data and its implementing regulations, we inform users that the data collected through the websites of Cargo Network will be included in the file of personal data entered in the AEPD ensuring confidentiality of data and the compliance with all applicable regulations. Data Collected: Cargo Network may request or collect information from web clients through various procedures, including online forms. Cargo Network informs customers that the personal data provided in the contract form as well as any other information th customer can provide throughout his relationship with Cargo Network may be included in the files of this entity. Failure to complete the fields marked as mandatory or filling with incorrect data impossible for Cargo Network to make its register as a customer or provide the services requested. Consent: The customer gives his consents to this Privacy Policy during the process of filling out the contact form. Prior to such acceptance, no personal data relating to them will be incorporated into files of Cargo Network. Purposes of use of data: Manage, administer and provide the services requested of CARgo Network. Facilitate the implementation and execution of the contractual relationship. If necessary carry out management of receipts and payments for services, even when the relationship is over. To offer new products, services, special promotions or updates. Send own or third-party advertising to customers who provide their consent. Conduct studies on the effectiveness of the website, marketing, advertising and sale Data addresses: The recipients of the information collected will be solely employees of Cargo Network providers of devotion with which Cargo NetWork keep contractual relationship. In the case of external service providers, they will be bound by a contract for the provision of services in which expressly Cargo NetWork equivalent obligations of privacy and protection of data will be collected to those required for the employees of Cargo Network and have expressly prohibited the transfer of such data to any other person or third party. Transfer of data: Cargo Network will not share customer data with any third party, unless the client expressly authorizes such assignments. When the assignment is not necessary for the proper provision of the service contracted, in the forms of data collection, users of the purpose of the treatment and the identity of the prospective transferees of personal data shall be notified, previously offering users the ability to accept or reject this transfer. Sales Prospecting: From Network Cargo send to our customers through newsletters, information updates, offers and products or services they offer, always giving them the possibility of not receiving this type of communications indicated by sending an e-mail to: Notice: This website is directed to adults over 18 years of age. This Privacy Policy applies only to information collected by Cargo Network. In Cargo Network are not responsible that the pages linked from our website have the same level of privacy protection that we keep in Cargo Network. Cargo Network may provide personal information to the competent authorities when requested in accordance with current legislation. Storage: Cargo Network reserves the right to store customer data that is of low once contractual relationship, during the necessary time to fulfill their legal obligations. During that time the personal data remain locked and can not be used more than to fulfill these legal obligations or for the billing and collection of outstanding invoices. Upon completion of the statutory period for maintenance data will be deleted.